Dr.Joyanti Chutia
Research Interests (Plasma Science & Technology)
Nonlinear dynamics in plasmas: Waves and Instabilities, Sheath, Chaotic Phenomena.
Plasma processing:Metal Oxide Deposition, Plasma Polymerization, Proton Exchange Membrane for Fuel Cell, Nanocomposite Solar Cell, Biomaterials Developed by Plasma Process. Planar Magnetron Sputtering, Post Magnetron Sputtering by DC and RF Source.
Educational qualification :
B.Sc. (Major in Physics) | 1967 | Gauhati University |
MSc. (Physics) | 1969 | Dibrugarh University |
Ph. D (Solid State Physics) | 1981 | Dibrugarh University |
Scientific Employment and Academic responsibility:
Research Institution or Period of duty Research Institution or University from-to University
a) Duliajan College, Dib. 1971-1976 Teaching Physics to India Graduate Classes.
b) Dibrugarh University, 1976-1980 Doing Research work for Ph. D India as a UGC fellow.
c) Dibrugarh University, 1981-1983 CSIR Post doctoral fellow.
d) Plasma Physics Program 1983-1985 Visiting Scientist doing PRL, Ahmedabad, India Experimental Plasma research.
e) Institute of Advanced Study 1985-1986 Research Associate
in Science &Technology Setting up Plasma Laboratory.
(IASST), Guwahati, India
f) IASST, Guwahati, India 1986-1992 Assistant professor
g) Institute of Space and March 1988- Research on non-linear Astronautical Science, November 1988 Phenomena in Plasma
h) IASST, Guwahati, India. March 1992- Associate Professor,
February 2000
i) Christain Albreicht 10 March 1997- Visiting Scientist under
University , Germany 10 April ’97 Indo-German Exchange
Program in Keil University, Germany.
j) IASST, Guwahati, India March 2000- Professor & Head
September 2005
k) IASST, Guwahati, India October 2005- Director, IASST
August 2012
l) IASST, Guwahati, India 01 August 2012- Emeritus Scientist
No. of Ph. D. Guided: 15 received Ph.D. Three more have registered for Ph. D.
Awards/Certificates/Foreign assignment:
1. Attended Spring College Course in Polymer Science, 1980 at ICTP, Trieste,
2. Visiting Scientist at the Institute for Space and Astronautical Science, Japan for one year [Centre of Excellence (COE), Visiting Scientist, 1988].
3. Fellowship from Indian National Science Academy for Indo-German exchange Programme in Kiel University for two months in 1997.
4. Durlav Deka Memorial Award for original research activities from Assam Science Society in 1998.
5. Basanti Bordoloi award from Assam Sahitya Sabha in 2002.
6. Ghanashyam Goswami memorial award for popular science writing in 2004.
7. Elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences, India in May, 2004.
8. Sadhani Saurya award for original Plasma physics research in NE India in February 2005.
9. Elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India in 2005.
10. Kamal Kumari National Award for original research in Science and Technology for March 2005
11. Women Physicist Award from Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal on March 2010
Number of Publications: 145 (88 in cited journals)
Research Publications in cited Journals:
1. “Space Charge limited current in Polymethacrylate films”, Joyanti Chutia, K.Barua, Thin Solid films 55, 387 (1978).
2. “Electrical Conduction in Polycrylonitrile films”, Joyanti Chutia, K. Barua, Phys.Stat. Sol (a) 55, K13 (1979).
3. “DC Conductor Phenomenon in Polyvinylacetate Films”, Joyanti Chutia, K. Barua, J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 13, L9 (1980).
4. “DC Electrical properties of solution grown PS films”, Joyanti Chutia, K. Barua, Ind. J. Pure and appl. Phys. 19, 1220 (1981).
5. “Drifting effect of electrons on fully non-linear ion acoustic waves in magneto plasma”, B. C. kalita, M. K. kalita and Joyanti Chutia, J. Physics A (Math) Gen. 19, 3559 (1986).
6. “Reflection of ion acoustic waves from bipolar potential Structure”, Y. Nakamura and Joyanti Chutia, Report of the Inst. of Space & Astro Sci.No.632, July 1988.
7. “Chaotic phenomena Observed in electron beam plasma Physics”, Y. Nakamura and Joyanti Chutia, Proc. of the meeting of Japanese Physical society Vol-4 (1988) P 115.
8. “Reflection of ion acoustic waves from bipolar potential Structure”, Y. Nakamura and Joyanti Chutia, J. Plasma Phys. 41, 243 (1989).
9. “Mode-mode coupling leading to period doubling in ion beam plasma system”, Joyanti Chutia, Proc. Of 18th IEEE Conf. Williamburg, (1991) IP96.
10. “Low frequency instability excited by a mesh grid in a double plasma device” Joyanti Chutia, H. Kubo and Y.Nakamura, J. Plasma Physics. 46, 463 (1991).
11. “Mode suppression and period doubling cascade in double Plasma device”, A. Buragohain, Joyanti Chutia and Y. Nakamura, Phys. Lett. A 163, 425 (1992).
12. “Periodic windows and period subtracting in ion beam Plasma system”, A. Buragohain, B.K. Sarma and Joyanti Chutia, Int. J. Bifur and Chaos3, 455 (1993).
13. “Influence of negative ions on period bifurcation in ion beam plasma system”, A. Buragohain, B.K. Sarma and Joyanti Chutia, Proc. of ICPIG XXI Conf. Ruhr University, 1993 Vol II 135.
14. “Chaotic attractors in ion beam plasma system”, A. Buragohain, H. Bailung, B. K.Sarma, Joyanti Chutia and Y. Nakamura, Chaos Soliton and Fractals. 4, No. 677 (1994).
15.“Sheath induced Instability in ion beam Plasma system”, A. Buragohain, Joyanti Chutia, Proc. XXII ICPIG Conf. 1995(USA).
16. “Propagation of solitary wave packet in multicomponent plasma with negative ion”, H. Bailung, Joyanti Chutia and Y. Nakamura, Chaos Soliton & Fractals 7(1), 21 (1996).
17. “Observation of beam enhanced sheath instability in double plasma device”, A. Sarma, H. Bailung and Joyanti Chutia”, Phys. Plasmas 3(9), 3245 (1996).
18. “Characteristics of sheath instability in a double Plasma device”, A. Sarma, H. Bailung and Joyanti Chutia, Phys. Plasmas 4(1), 61 (1997).
19. “Sheath Phenomena in Plasmas”, Joyanti Chutia, Phys. News. 28, 1, 46 (1997).
20. “Observation of sheath phenomena in multicomponent plasma with negative ions”, A. Sarma, H. Bailung, Joyanti Chutia and B. K. Sarma, Phys. Lett. A 244, 127 (1998).
21. “Possibility of weakly charged nonlinear Solitary dust Clouds near the Continuum threshold of dust population”, S. K. Baishya, Joyanti Chutia, M. K. Kalita, G. C. Das & C. B. Dwivedi, Pramana – journal of physics Vol. 51, No. 6, 757 (1998).
22. “Observation of low frequency mode in Multi-component Plasmas”, B. Handique, H. Bailung, G. C. Das & Joyanti Chutia, Physics of Plasmas,Vol. 6,no 5, 1636 (1999).
23. “Dust Acoustic Solitions in two-ion-temperature plasma”, S. G. Tagare and Joyanti Chutia, J. Plasma Physics, 61(5), 723 (1999).
24. “Electrostatic Sheath at the boundary of a magnetized dusty plasma” S. K. Baishya,G.C. Das, Joyanti Chutia and J. Sarma, Physics of Plasmas6(9), 3678 (1999).
25. “Characteristic behaviour of the sheath formation in thermal plasmas”, G. C. Das, Bornani Singha and Joyanti Chutia, Physics of plasmas 6(9), 3685 (1999).
26. “Ion Dynamics in the sheath in Multicomponent plasma with negative ions”, R. Prakash, A. Sarma and Joyanti Chutia, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 71, 2733(2000).
27. “Electrostatic Sheath at the boundary of a collisional dusty plasma”, S. K. Baishya,G. C. Das and Joyanti Chutia, Pramana 55(5), 861 (2000).
28.“Sheath and plasma parameter in a magnetised plasma system”, Bornail Singha, A Sarma and Joyanti Chutia, Pramana – journal of physics55(5), 899 (2000).
29. “Influence of magnetic field on Plasma sheath and electron temperature”, Bornali Singha, A. Sarma and Joyanti Chutia, Review of Scientific Instruments, 72(5), 2282 (2001).
30. “Experimental observation on sheath and pre-sheath over an oblique metallic plate in presence of a magnetic field”, B. Singha, A. Sarma and Joyanti Chutia, Phys. Plasmas 9(2), 683 (2002).
31. “Influence of low energy ion beam on sheath characteristics in plasma”, A. R. Pal, D. Boruah, H. Bailung and Joyanti Chutia, Phys. Lett. A, 305, 419 (2002).
32. “Investigation of sheath properties in Ar/SF6 dc discharge plasma”, D. Boruah, A.R.Pal, H. Bailung and Joyanti Chutia, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 36, 645 (2003).
33. Influence of electron beam injection on plasma parameters and sheath in a dc discharge plasma”, A. R. Pal, D. Boruah, N. C. Adhikary, H. Bailung and Joyanti Chutia, Journal of Appl. Phys. 94(10), 6328 (2003).
34. “Sheath characteristics in multi- component plasma with negative ions”, H. Bailung, D. Boruah, A. R. Pal & Joyanti Chutia, Pramana – journal of physics 62(5), 1091 (2004).
35. “Observation of instability in presence of E x B flow in a direct current cylindrical magnetron discharge plasma”, Arup Ratan Pal, Joyanti Chutia and Heremba Bailung, Physics of Plasmas 11(10), 4719 (2004).
36. “Characteristics of presheath in multi-component plasma with negative ions”, H. Bailung, D. Boruah, A. R. Pal and Joyanti Chutia, Physics Letters A, 331 (1-2), 102 (2004).
37. “Ion beam interaction with a potential dip formed in front of an electron-absorbing boundary”, H Bailung, A R Pal, N C Adhikary, H K Gogoi and Joyanti Chutia, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 15, 59 (2006).
38. “Self-similarity of electrostatic fluctuations in a linear magnetised plasma system”, N. C. Adhikary, A. R. Pal, H. Bailung and Joyanti Chutia, Physics Letters A, 350(5-6), 380 (2006).
39. “Sheath and potential characteristics in rf magnetron sputtering plasma”, H. Kakati, A. R. Pal, H. Bailung and Joyanti Chutia, J. Appl. Phys. 100, 083303 (2006).
40. “Synthesis of Polyacrylamide in Nano Fine state and its Thermal properties”, P.Chetri, N. N. Dass, A. R. Pal, H. Bailung, J. Chutia and N.S.Sarma, J. Polym. Mater. Vol. 24, No. 2 (2007).
1. “Radiofrequency plasma polymerization technology for surface protection of bell metal at low temperature”, Ref. No.: 1313/KOL/2010.
2. “Antibiotic-Loaded Muga (Antheraea Asama) Silk Fibroin (AASF) as Suture Biomaterial”, Ref. No.: 726/KOL/2014.
Completed Projects:
- PI of the project, ‘To Study the basic properties in Plasma Physics’, sponsored by Assam Govt. (1986-89).
- Principal Investigator of the Project “To Study the Chaotic Phenomena in Plasmas” Sponsored by DST, Govt. of India commenced from 01-11-90 to 31-10-94 (DST No. SP/S2/K-36/89).
- Principal Investigator of the Project “Sheath Induced Nonlinear Phenomena in Multi-componrnt Plasmas” commenced from 01-04-95 to 31-03-98 sponsored by DST, Govt of India (DST No.SP/S2/KO5/94).
- Principal Investigator of the major Project “Development of the Plasma Physics Division of IASST’’ commenced from 01-05-97. The project is for five years and sponsored by DST, Govt of India (DST No. SP/I1/KU-1/94).
- Principal Investigator of the project “Study of post magnetron discharge Plasma sponsored by DST, Govt. of India, No. SR/S2/HEP-05/2002.
- Principal Investigator of the project “Study of metal oxide deposition by RF Magnetron sputtering sponsored by DAE, Govt. of India, No.2003/34/13- BRNS/604.
- Co PI of the project “Study of Polymeric Foam and their uses in Laser-Plasma Experiments” by DAE, Govt. of India, No. 2004/37/22/BRNS/2381.
- Co PI of the project, ‘Microwave reflectometry for plasma density measurement in Tokamak plasma’, sponsored by DST, Govt. of India, No- SP/12/PC-12/2000.
- Principal Investigator of “Development of Plasma Polymerization process for deposition of hard, transparent and corrosion resistant coatings on bell metal and surface modifications to muga silk fibre” sponsored by DAE, Govt. of India, No. 2007/34/16-BRNS/1370.
- Principal Investigator of “Development of Proton Exchange Membrane by Plasma process for fuel cell” sponsored by Dept. of Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, 2010, File No: 102/64/2009- NT
- Co-PI of “Development of nanocomposite material based organic-inorganic hybrid flexible solar cell by plasma polymerization and magnetron sputtering combined process”, sponsored by Govt. of India.
- Co-PI of “Development of Liquid Crystalline Polymers” sponsored by Department of Information Technology, DIT, Govt. of India.
- Co-PI of “Basic experiments in multicomponent plasma with negative ions” sponsored by DST, Govt. of India.