Lost documents will have to be replaced by the borrowers.
KRC may help users in procuring the document.
On replacement, the same accession number will be given to the copy after ensuring that the document is not of an earlier edition than the one that is lost.
Write on the document and accession register that “This is a replaced copy since the original copy is lost document”. Update catalogue record.
Photocopy ofthe lost document will not be accepted.
If the lost document is not available in the market, the user has to pay the cost of the lost document. Opinion of the Librarian is essential in this regard. If it is a deliberate act, the user may be charged with double the cost at current exchange rate plus 10% processing cost.
If the lost document is expensive (more than Rs. 10,000.00) or rare and very valuable one, the amount to be recovered should be decided by the KRC Committee on case to case basis.
The lost document which is part of a serial/multi-volume set, cost of complete volume/set is required to be recovered.
Individually priced book/volume in a series, the cost ofthe lost book in series is to be recovered.
A number of books acquired by the KRC contain CDs etc. along with it. In case of any loss/damage, the whole document will be treated as lost/damaged therefore the user has to replace the book with a fresh one or pay for the cost of complete document.