Peters Professional Allrounder 20-8.7-16.6+TE 500g FERTILISER

Peters Professional Allrounder 20-8.7-16.6+TE 500g FERTILISER

$10.50 ex GST

Peters Professional Allrounder 20-8.7-16.6+TE 500g FERTILISER

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You are buying ONE Peters Professional Allrounder **500 Grams**.

Peters Professional Allrounder is a growth-increasing formula with broad application possibilities. It is a balanced NPK formulation which contains urea and is therefore particularly suitable for use in the spring and summer. Peters Professional Allrounder is a foliar feed.


– Small granules which easily dissolve; 100% water soluble. 

– Pure formulation, no ballast substances.

– Contains NPK, magnesium and trace elements.

– Fast plant response after application.

– Developed for peat based cultures (pot plants, bedding plants and container nursery stock).

– Only Peters fertilizers contains the unique M-77 chelating formula!

Directions for use

To ensure that this product dissolves completely, prepare the stock solution 1-2 hours before use, stir well or use warm water. Please contact your ICL Specialty Fertilizers advisor for a specific crop recommendation. This product should not be mixed with Peters Excel.
Store under dry conditions. Partly used or damaged bags should be closed well.

Reccomended Rates

Continuous feeding 0.5 – 1.5 g/litre
Occasional feeding (e.g. 1 x week) 0.8 – 2 g/litre

Trial first on a small scale before rate, application or other changes in your cultural practices are implemented. As circumstances can differ and as the application of our products is beyond our control, ICL Specialty Fertilizers cannot be made responsible for any negative results.

Please note in regards to postage

Our checkout will charge you $30 for postage. This is an average amount it normally costs to post an order however if it is less we will simply refund the over paid postage when we post your order or if you have paid via bank transfer we will simply add a plant to the value.

We are predominantly an online business however we do allow people to come to the nursery to purchase things via appointment only. Generally we only allow people to come Thursdays, and STRICTLY APPOINTMENT ONLY. IF WANTING TO COME YOU NEED TO EMAIL US… We are never open on a weekend.

PLEASE NOTE: We are currently in the process of transferring all contact methods to email. Unfortunately due to time restraints we are asking for emails only at this point going forward. That way we can better help you and not miss your messages/calls.

We now have our ICA-29 accreditation & definitely send plants to WA and TAS. (This however incurs a $15 charge per order)
ATTENTION: Nursery is open via appointment only! Please email in advance to book a time. Generally we only have Thursdays free for this. Please don’t just turn up.